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“Children need to know that they matter, that someone in this big, scary, beautiful world thinks that they are the sun, moon, and stars all rolled into one lovable little human.” – L.R. Knost

Sometimes our jobs as parents can feel so overwhelming.  

Make sure they eat healthy food, get enough sleep, and brush their teeth. Find a daycare we feel good about, research the schools that might be the best fit. Expose them to sports and creative pursuits. Provide opportunities for social interaction. Read every day.  

The list goes on… 

The good news is that the most important thing we do is simple.   

The most important thing is that our child FEELS loved. That we are always in their corner. That we think they’re amazing.  

As LR Knost says, that they know that we think “they are the sun, moon, and stars all rolled into one lovable little human.”  

Simple? Yes. 

Especially on those days that are all sunshine and roses, ice cream and rainbows.  

Easy? No. 

On the dark days- They push our buttons. They act out. They can be hard to love! 

👉 I think feeling unconditionally loved by us comes down to this: How do we respond when things are tough?  

When we act frustrated or yell, kids feel, “I am bad.” They worry they aren’t loveable. They feel alone.  

Start here: Stop, Drop and Breathe. “They’re doing the best they can.” Respond from there. 

If we can stay calm and be emotionally generous, our kids won’t doubt that they are worthy and loveable.  

They will know we still think they are good people, even in the hardest moments. This is how they feel unconditionally loved by us.  

You don’t have to be perfect. Mess up? Repair and move on. “I need to take care of my big feelings when I get frustrated. You never deserve to be yelled at.” 

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Sarah Rosensweet is a certified peaceful parenting coach, speaker, and educator. She lives in Toronto with her husband and three big kids (ages 14, 17, and 21). Peaceful parenting is a non-punitive, connection-based approach that uses firm limits with lots of empathy. Sarah works one-on-one virtually with parents all over the world to help them go from frustrated and overwhelmed to, “We’ve got this!”

Read more at: www.sarahrosensweet.com


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"How To Stop Yelling At Your Kids" 


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How To Stop Yelling At Your Kids