The Peaceful Parenting Membership

The constant yelling, power struggles before school, and exhausting battles do not have to be in your future. You can turn things around–it’s not too late. 

Whether you’re a practiced peaceful parent who wants continued support or are new to this parenting method, you will find value in the community membership!   

An online community for parents to find accountability, encouragement, and support. 

Doors are OPEN For the month of June


Everything you need to be a peaceful parent is all right here in this membership.

Have a parenting coach in your back pocket and a community of parents for solidarity, accountability, and support.

I’m Sarah Rosensweet

I developed the Peaceful Parenting Membership community so you can get the tools you need for peaceful parenting and enjoy the support and encouragement from other parents in your shoes. 
You don’t have to be on this journey alone. 

Founder of Reimagine Peaceful Parenting and mother of three.

Join the Membership 

When I joined Sarah's membership, I was struggling to support my highly sensitive and spirited children. Sarah showed me how to connect with my children, and we now have fewer meltdowns, more win-win solutions, and a closer family. Peaceful parenting has transformed my relationship with my children in so many beautiful ways.

mama of 2

Get access to online support from our peaceful parenting team of coaches, plus…

What is the membership? 

Education & Resources
  • A library of peaceful parenting lessons to help you stop yelling, get your kids to cooperate, and enjoy your family again.
  • On-demand homework and exercises in bite-sized pieces so you never feel behind.
  • Access to guest expert interviews.
  • Invitations to monthly lessons on various peaceful parenting themes. 
Coaching and Support
  • Support when things feel hard or you don't know what to do.
  • Suggestions and ideas from Sarah and the other parents in our group.
  • Weekly office hours group coaching with peaceful parenting coach Sarah Rosensweet. Drop in and get your questions answered via video conference.
  • A private Facebook group with like-minded parents who will lift you up when you fall down and cheer you on when you make progress. Sarah will be active in this group, commenting and answering your questions.
  • A place to turn where you will NEVER be judged or shamed. None of us are perfect and we are all in this together.
  • Answers to questions you have and solutions to challenges you're facing.
  • The peaceful parenting tools work when you use them. Just like getting in shape, if you stop eating well and going to the gym, you'll feel crappy again. It's like having a community of workout buddies and a personal trainer to keep you on track. 

what parents are saying...

"I joined Sarah's membership because of the "office hours" but whoa! was I surprised at how much else it is! The office hours are excellent and even when I don't have a question to ask, I learn so much from listening to others' challenges and Sarah's advice. But there's so much more. The membership website is filled with resources. Sarah's membership is for anyone who is looking for real-life support from a parenting expert who never judges and always has your family's best interests at heart. Thank you, Sarah."

Mama of 1

"I had my husband watch one of your videos after a battle that he had with my daughter. He agrees with Peaceful Parenting in principle but doesn't want to read about it, just wants me to give him the "Cliffs Notes" version of the principles/methods. The video was incredibly helpful for him to understand some of the ways he can change his approach when he gets triggered and wants to yell or give consequences. I've seen him really try to not yell and use a calmer approach in his frustrating interactions with our kids the past couple of days."

-A, Mom of 2

"Apologies for the long list of wins, I'm just so so so happy after months of investment in the approaches I have learned through Sarah's Membership including access to her through office hours and the FB page, the wisdom of the private community, and the comprehensive library of resources (with new ones being added every month) available through the Membership, I am seeing such tangible results. I am forever grateful for having stumbled on the Membership! Total lifechanger."

-Alison, mom of 2

"Sarah, I’ve been mostly a fly on the wall in your membership group for about 6 months now. I wanted to tell you how much you and the Peaceful Parenting Membership have changed my life. I’ve gone through every module and have tried to put all of your suggestions into action, and my children are so wonderful to be around, and I’m so much more calm (so much that my new preschool mom friends call me the zen one). I have never had the tools to control my own frustrations and triggers, and you’ve given me that. I just wanted to say thank you for all you do. You’re making a massively positive difference in this world."

-Christie, mom

What you get:

Join us every week on Zoom for group coaching.

I will be available once a week for an hour via video conference for group coaching. 
Meet other members, get your questions answered, and feel supported with whatever challenges you are experiencing.


A library of on-demand peaceful parenting learning modules

Learn the peaceful parenting approach so you can stop yelling, get your kids to cooperate, and enjoy your family!
In each module, you will learn a core aspect of the peaceful parenting approach. The peaceful parenting learning modules are bite-sized and always available.
Go at your own pace and never feel overwhelmed. Learn what you need, when you need it!


What you get:

Monthly content delivered to your inbox

We laser focus on one aspect of parenting every month. You’ll receive an actionable and informative short lesson based on that theme. You can digest it at your own pace. We will highlight discussions on the theme in our Facebook group.


What you get:

A monthly guest expert interview on our topic of the month.

Knowledgeable and engaging guest experts will help us on our quest to be the best parents we can be. We will pick their brains during a Facebook Live Q&A. Can't make it live? Don't worry–a replay will always be provided.


What you get:

A private Facebook group.

This group is ONLY for members of our peaceful parenting membership group. Ask questions, get suggestions, share your wins, and find a shoulder to cry on. Sarah is very active in this group and is there to offer support.  


What you get:

If you want kids who listen to you and cooperate...
If you want kids who care what you think...
If you want to stop yelling and start connecting...



Frequently Asked Questions

I'm in your free Facebook group. What's the difference?

My free Facebook is primarily a peer support group. I answer all your questions in our private Facebook group.

How much access do i get to you?

I'll be available to answer questions in the Facebook group, and during office hours EVERY WEEK

Does this group replace one-on-one coaching?

No. You will get lots of support here. But the work we can do one-on-one is deeper and more detailed. You can do both! They serve different purposes. Think of an exercise class you sign up for vs. a personal trainer. They are both valuable but meet different needs.

What if I can't make the office hours group coaching?

Don't worry! They will all be recorded and posted to the group. If you have a question you want answered, you can submit it ahead of time.

How much is it? What do I get?

  • The peaceful parenting learning modules with lessons and actionable, homework booklets, and additional resources. 
  • Monthly content on a theme, delivered to your inbox
  • A monthly guest expert interview and live Q&A on our theme of the month.
  • "Office hours" EVERY WEEK drop-in group coaching
  • A private Facebook group
  • tools and strategies
  • community, support and encouragement
  • accountability

$37 USD a month, or $370 USD a year. 
You will be locked in at this low rate as long as you are a member in good standing.
All applicable taxes are included.

What if I'm not on Facebook?

If you're not on Facebook, you won't be able to participate in the community support aspect of the group.

It's always possible to create a profile just for this purpose and only log on when you need support or want to check in. 

What is peaceful parenting?

Peaceful parenting is an approach that is non-punitive (no punishments!) and connection-based.
We want our kids to do the right thing because it's the right thing to do, even when no one is looking. Instead of parentally-imposed consequences, we use kind, firm limits with lots of empathy and scaffolding to help kids learn and meet our expectations.
Peaceful parenting doesn't mean the kids are in charge! We need to be strong leaders so our children feel safe and secure.
Peaceful parenting starts with self-regulation. It's not that we never get upset with our children, but we try to calm ourselves before we respond.
We focus on our relationship with our child as that is the best we can influence our child. A child who cares what you think is more likely to cooperate.

Peaceful Parenting Manifesto

  • We calm ourselves so we can respond to the situation rather than react from anger.
  • We make time every day to connect with and delight in our children.
  • We set kind and firm limits with our children and scaffold them when they can’t manage.
  • We empathize with our children’s feelings and welcome them.
  • When all else fails we remember empathy and connection.
  • When we fall down, we forgive ourselves and know that tomorrow is another day.











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