Our mission is to empower and support parents by providing the tools and education they need to become calm, confident, and happier in their parenting journey. We’re here to provide you with key peaceful parenting tools and strategies–and the love and support to implement them. 


I'm a certified peaceful parenting coach, speaker, educator, and the host of the top-rated parenting podcast, 'The Peaceful Parenting Podcast.' I've been supporting parents since 2013.  We've since helped thousands of families worldwide go from overwhelmed and frustrated to confidently feeling, "We've got this!"

On a personal note, I take great pride in being a mother to two sons (19 and 23) and one daughter (16). Motherhood has been the most profound and meaningful experience in my life. Coming in as a close second is the fulfillment I find in supporting parents and children through the journey of peaceful parenting.

I'm Sarah- the founder of Reimagine Peaceful Parenting. 

Learn more: Sarah as Keynote Speaker


As a certified parenting coach with Reimagine Peaceful Parenting, Stoney is driven by a deep passion for creating connections within families. She lives in Toronto and has two young children. Each day, Stoney embraces the delightful challenge of fostering her children's adventurous spirits while maintaining healthy boundaries. She is also certified by CCF Canada.

Stoney Baker

Corey is a certified peaceful parenting coach with Reimagine Peaceful Parenting and also certified by CCF Canada. She lives in a small town East of Toronto with her two young children, husband, and rescue pup. Corey says "I love working with parents who are open to rethinking their approach to parenting and seeing their child's (and their own!) behaviour in a new way. I also love working with parents who have a sense of humour! Most of my clients are going through a very hard time in their parenting journey- when we can find moments to laugh together during a coaching session, so much growth and healing happens! As a neurodivergent (ND) person with an ND child, I also have a special place in my heart for working with ND families :)

Corey Everrett


what parents are saying...

 It’s always so lovely to have a session with Sarah. Things are so much better since I have had coaching with her. I am so grateful to her. Her tweaks have helped me in my own self-regulation, becoming more self-aware and intervening better when my boys argue. Her support, ideas, and wisdom are like a huge encouraging hug and you help me to see things much more clearly. Sarah is a very inspiring coach.

Zoe - Mom of 2

Corey helped me so much. I have been involved with the peaceful parenting community for years- I’ve done lots of reading, membership groups, and courses. There was a part of me that thought I had tried everything there was to try. Corey exceeded my expectations and was enormously helpful.

- Jamie, mom of 2

After just one session with Stoney I felt empowered and supported to parent my child with a dignity and calmness I never dreamed I would be capable of. Parenting is the most difficult gig there is and as a solo parent the support I have felt has been life changing. It’s been over a month since I yelled!

- Genevieve, mom of 1

Sarah’s positive attitude and concrete suggestions have helped turn around our morning routine. My kids are now cooperating rather than resisting getting ready for the day.Thanks Sarah!!! You’re the best!!!  

- Amanda, mother 2

Sarah was instrumental in helping me navigate the first years of motherhood. She has the expertise based on education and wide-ranging research, but she also has a big heart and a lot of empathy. She really listened to my concerns and directed me toward practical solutions. And while she helped me address many everyday issues – sleep, behaviour, eating -one of the biggest gifts she gave me was to help me better understand who my children are and what I can do help them – and myself – thrive.

-Willow, mother of 2

Peaceful Parenting Manifesto

  • We calm ourselves so we can respond to the situation rather than react from anger.
  • We make time every day to connect with and delight in our children.
  • We set kind and firm limits with our children and scaffold them when they can’t manage.
  • We empathize with our children’s feelings and welcome them.
  • When all else fails we remember empathy and connection.
  • When we fall down, we forgive ourselves and know that tomorrow is another day.

Take the next step forward! 

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