In this week’s episode, I talk about the importance of fostering independence instead of pushing your kids to become independent.

It’s natural as a parent to worry that your kids will grow up not being independent, so we sometimes try and push them to do things for themselves when maybe they need a bit more love and nurturing.

The key is to find balance on both sides.

Listen in as I talk about:

  • The difference between letting your kids become independent vs. pushing them to be independent
  • Why it’s okay to do things for your kids that they can do for themselves
  • Tips to foster more independence with your kids

Download the episode transcript HERE

To sign up for Sarah’s free workshop on Peaceful Discipline click HERE


Connect with Sarah Rosensweet

  1. Colleen St.James says:

    Thanks for another great podcast Sarah!

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"How To Stop Yelling At Your Kids" 


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How To Stop Yelling At Your Kids